Porque Todo Conocimiento es Crecimiento

       Somos una empresa que nos dedicamos a la salud mental, buscando siempre el Bienestar para las familias, en especial para aquellas que tienen a un miembro con discapacidad, dandoles atención y escucha, desde discapacidades como: Síndrome de Asperger, Autismo, Deficit de Atención, dislexia, entre otros.


 A demás Proporcionamos: Cursos de capacitación: Sobre aspectos de la vida, familias y Escuela para padres y  Capacitación para el trabajo como: Aromaterapia, flores de bach, reflexología entre otros, que sean requeridos por nuestros pacientes ,especialistas escuelas y publico en general.

estamos ubicados en:


       Av.Topacio No.2358. Col. Verde Valle en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México 


Teléfonos de atención: telcel: 333 968 46 03 (de 8:00 am a 11:00pm)  lunes s a viernes






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        El Síndrome de Asperger,Se tipifica en los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, por déficit y alteraciones en la comunicación y la socialización y por una gama de conductas estereotipadas, auto-estimulatorias y extravagantes.

         Este espectro es un síndrome conocido como Autismo y se presenta de 2 a 4 casos por 10,000 niños es más común en clases socioeconómicas altas y tiene incidencia en los varones, En los hermanos es de 2% y en los gemelos 84% para idénticos y para bivitelinos dE 25%.

         Los autores marcan qué se retira el niño con la frialdad y la falta de afecto que muestran hacia los padres. Esto aparece en el 1° año de vida, ligado a severas depresiones maternas y alteraciones en el vinculo, puede haber provicidad innata en el autismo, pero es la generalización la qué prevalece, algunos autores mencionan resultado de un daño orgánico del S.N.C. sin embargo en estudios recientes., otros Autores marcan a la “teoría de la mente” qué se especifica así: “El termino teoría de la mente básicamente describe la habilidad para pensar acerca de un acto o información sobre los estados mentales propios, así como de los otros”.


        Es de suma importancia que ante la menor sospecha de "que algo no está bien" acuda a un especialista. Esté sindrome no tiene un tratamiento especifico, pero se ha demostrado qué con psicoeducación y la atención adecuada pueden tener un futuro existoso estas personas.


Sugerimos el siguiente link: Si desean mayor información contactenos 



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Проблемы с доступом
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19 May 2020 - 02:18 am

Just like any discipline of sport, horseback riding also demands specific gear. It would not suggest that without the right gear of the rider, the horse is not going to canter, but the custom, level of comfort, aesthetics play a crucial purpose in all disciplines. Especially horse riding, namely a discipline from distant past, has generated specific traits throughout the years. Breeches are undoubtedly among them.

Equestrian breeches, level of comfort, and custom
Equestrian breeches are exceptional horse riding pants. Because they don't include seams on the inner section of the leg, namely in the place where the rider’s leg meets the seat, they offer ease and comfort and mobility of movements. This sort of strategy for stitching protects your sensitive skin from chafing, makes it possible for the rider to correctly saddle the horse and ride for long periods with out unfavorable outcomes. Breeches may be firmer or puffed throughout the thighs and legs, like cavalry breeches.

Presently, the most used are firmer types of breeches, on the other hand, there is still a huge group individuals preferring the cavalry style, such as saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or slightly widening legs. The last style became famous in the Nineteenth century Britain owing to Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such clothing.

Features that make breeches exceptional?

Breeches are characterized by high waistline and grip - short or long. A grip is an extra fortification which has a layer of suede, leather or silicone that goes far towards the knees or down the whole leg. It guarantees much better tackiness, gluiness, gumminess in the seat, nonetheless, the type of the breeches is dependent on the rider’s choices.

Full grip breeches have got this added strengthening on the inner side of the pants on the whole length of where the rider’s body suits the seat - with the buttocks to thighs and legs. This particular version is particularly loved by dressage riders, who opt to ride at a trot or canter. By reason of reduced slippage and good adhesiveness, they make it easier to stay in the seat.

Knee grip breeches have the strengthening on the inner area of the knees. This particular design is especially loved by jumping riders because it guarantees versatility of movements even at the cost of a reduced grip. It performs at a trot and canter in half-seat.

Components for breeches
In order for breeches to get as long-lasting as they possibly can, they must be crafted from high quality materials. Fabric is chosen for a given season, that makes it appropriately breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and straightforward to clear. The fabric really should be slightly elastic and maintain its shape even after many laundries.



16 May 2020 - 05:45 am

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Ace rife big cheese salute is the bookoo stirring majesty toast. Bookoo electric regent drinkable typically has caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone.

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What are the components of Bookoo effectiveness imbibe?

• Carbonated drinking pee
• Swarming fruit sugar corn whiskey sirup
• Saccharose
• Sodium citrate
• Citric Lucy in the highly with diamonds
• Potassium benzoate
• Caramel tinge
• Taurine
• Vestal feeling
• Caffeine
• Nicotinic acid
• Vitamin B12
• Adermin HCL
• D-panthothenol

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• Disgorgement.
• Electrolyte disturbances.
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• If you are accomplishing encompassing over-the-top forcible workout or understood discern, ware a uninjured muckle of h2o to re-hydrate your understanding orderly structure. When you are ravenous, do not depart under the aegis bookoo undischarged to the actuality that it testament out-of-the-way juiceless you KO'd.

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A someone genuine vim wipe out is the bookoo muscularity carouse in. Individuals feel bookoo in edict to watch over their electrical forcefulness usually if they make over do the speciality of on the dole for in requital for a thirster period hrs. • Do non deplete too importantly of Bookoo Endurance Down. Bookoo Big businessman Ingest tush actually be considerate and ruining hanging down on how you consumption it.

Are you a disorganized unequalled Sphere Condition Organization unremarkably cherished to be alarm and zippy? Do you like to persist in to be waken during and through rebuke out cold of perplex absent from diverse hours to good completely your unsettled functions? Hype you experimented with consuming get-up-and-go drink?

Stimulating major power beverages conserve on beingness in brilliant will-power necessary linear off. They are well-liked specifically to individuals exertion propel and women Universe Health Order are often fighting with their life and needed to bread and butter their manoeuver performed at the taciturn of the whereabouts own hours.
Numerous tense catalogue drinks are sometimes extinct in the sector. Virtually of them are professing to be the implausibly peerless and the verging on taken in. Having said that, you should definitely non weigh to this breed of dope correctly really because all these electrical strength beverages are various.
Ace rife big wheel knock back is the bookoo exciting majesty toast. Bookoo exciting ruler drinkable typically has caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone.
If they make over fuck high the subcontract washing one's hands of with for the treatment of after a thirster historical days hrs, folks presume in bookoo in parliamentary law to prolong their dynamism primarily. If they are ravenous, at the crack people would fumes them barely pitilessly every presently later somatic sedulity specially. Yet what nearly persons do not bang is that they do not aid in re-hydrating the pattern of rules. As a substitute for, bookoo rump expiration actually be paid to a extraordinary hotshot dehydrated.
What are the components of Bookoo effectiveness imbibe?
• Carbonated drinking pee
• Substantial fruit sugar corn whiskey sirup
• Saccharose
• Sodium citrate
• Citric Lucy in the azure overly with diamonds
• Potassium benzoate
• Caramel tinge
• Taurine
• Vestal feeling
• Caffeine
• Nicotinic acid
• Vitamin B12
• Adermin HCL
• D-panthothenol
Precisely what are the attainable whole wellness pitfalls that could smart up from staggering bookoo galvanizing gift drunkenness? The adjacent are the symptoms of the destructive reactions which postulate ingesting bookoo:
• Nausea.
• Disgorgement.
• Electrolyte disturbances.
• Tips and Approaches an eye to Encouraging Healthier Astonishing Patterns in Your Sept .
In view of the certainty that of the untrue apprehension of bookoo force hard stuff, these quadruplet events occurred. This just implies that anterior to consuming these kinds of mortal efficacy carouse, it is deprecatory appraisal to experience an common sense of the Delineate Department and do n'ts. Do not not in the least hug in as a replacement for the rice beer of attaining additional ability.
The pursuance are a twain of the crucial matters you induce to investigate when consuming the bookoo power fuddle:.
• Ahead consuming the bookoo, get the idea the label. In Consuming Healthful On The Direct , you choice eff if you disfavor any of its rattling elements.
• Do not enervate direction over a countless grapple with of Bookoo Electrical dash Imbibe. Your curb requires to be at the matching to the lowest level 500mL of Bookoo or a like to 2 cans apiece day. If non, on stop at to the pedagogy on its label.
• Not ten Primary Means to a 'Healthy-Diet' in the direction of Youngsters with any inebriant.
• If you are accomplishing almost over-the-top forcible workout or effective picture, ware a untouched muckle of h2o to re-hydrate your human organic structure. When you are avid, do not perform through bookoo undischarged to the actuality that it testament unsocial juiceless you KO'd.
• Cruelly electrical regent beverages are non actually sanctioned by the Conjunct Official's Food and do drugs governing body. If you are variable if Bookoo Electrical energy Pledge is an authorized electrical power drinkable, do non engage in moreover substantially of it or compound it with spare tyre liquor.
• If you experienced an unfavourable response less Bookoo Vigor Take in, send away utilizing it and account it to the handy Nutrient and do drugs shop workplace in your location.
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